My Medium blog
09 Mar 2020I previously did my blogging on Medium. I plan to convert my old blog posts from JavaScript+Flow to TypeScript, and move them here. In the meantime, though, here are links to most of my older posts:
On functors: (prelude to inevitable monad tutorial)
- A Short Introduction to Functors
- An Introduction to Applicative Functors
- Functional Side Effects with Applicatives, parts One, Two, and Three
On functional programming basics:
- Partial Function Application in JavaScript and Flow
- Currying and Uncurrying in JavaScript and Flow
- An Introduction to Function Fixed Points with the Y-Combinator
- Variations on the Y-Combinator and Recursion
On combinator libraries: Building a Functional Parsing Library in JavaScript and Flow
On recursion schemes:
- Recursion Schemes in JavaScript and Flow with static-land-recursion-schemes
- A Brief Introduction to Recursion Schemes
- Catamorphisms
- Anamorphisms
- Hylomorphisms
On type systems: